Poconos running

The rest of my Saturday was pretty great. I spent the day with J.  We bopped around for a while and ran some errands.  I even got my first Starbucks christmas cup!

The christmas cup was bittersweet…I am SO glad they are back, but it has been tradition to get the first one of the season with this girl.. Hopefully this week!

J and I also spotted the friendliest truck either of us has ever seen!

This morning I had a long run planned.  Lately I just have NOT been feeling the running scene where I live, I needed a change so I decided to head to the Poconos to run.  Luckily I have an awesome family and my dad and SIL biked next to me while I ran.  I decided they need to do this every run. Having a traveling water boy was the greatest thing ever!

I also decided there are a few reasons that running in the Poconos is WAY better than running where I live…

  • Less turns… I live in more of a city so I am constantly turning down different blocks to get mileage in
  • Point to point run…. When I run from home I always do an out and back. Poconos running means I have a ride to bring me to my car when I am done!
  • The woods!  I love running on back roads with nothing but trees.  That’s the Poconos!
  • The people.  Hands down the BEST reason for driving 35 miles for a long run….

Today was my dad and SIL biking with me the entire run.  At one point my brother drove by and stopped to check on us, see if we needed anything and make sure we were ok.

It’s a small photo but you get the idea.

BUT THEN… When I am done running not only do I get to hang some more with my dad and SIL, but I also get to meet my mom and niece too and we all go for breakfast.  Seriously.  You can’t beat that!

My dad the hairdresser- at breakfast- we keep it classy 😉

Today I forgot my garmin on my run.  I know…horrific.  I had mapped out about 16 miles so I knew where to go, I was just concerned about my pace.  I used the mapmyrun app on my phone.  I don’t have splits and I didn’t know my pace as I was running so I just ran.  I might have to try this a little more often!

Towards the end of the run I definitely had to work to keep that pace but I was pleasantly surprised when I finished and saw that!

After I refueled, rehydrated and had a few hours to take care of some things I headed out for an easy 20 minute second run of the day to shake out my legs.  Glad I did that. The first few minutes were slow and stiff but by the end I felt great!

I am really looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though 🙂



Sometimes running is not the cutest thing.  Weird things happen while running. Sometimes they can even be embarrassing to talk about.  A friend of mine mentioned something about his nipples bleeding on a longer run and it got me to thinking about some not-so-pleasant things that happen to me on some of my runs.

Last week when I went for my longer run I wore the least amount of clothing possible since it was lava outside.  The shorts I chose were these and awesome but a little on the tight side.  So tight, in fact, that they ever so comfortably pressed my butt cheeks together.  Ohhh yes, the good ol’ butt crack chafing.  Similar to nipple bleeding, except in another not so pleasant spot.  The thing is, I didn’t know it was an issue until I got in the shower.  Hot water on raw skin hurts like a bitch.  That’s all.

A lot of times I also get the awesomeness that is chafing right along my sports bra line.  Actually, I have scars from getting it so often.  If any of these awesome things happen you I suggest this bad boy

Good Ol’ Chub Rub.

It looks like a stick of deodorant but it’s basically an invisible barrier, similar to using vaseline I would imagine.  I use it everywhere, in between my thighs thats cute, near where my tricep fat might rub along my body…seriously, I know you wanted to know all of this.   I call it chub rub, but if you ask for that in stores you might get a weird look.  It is also known as Body glide!

Luckily I didn’t need any of it on my run last night.

My legs were really tired running.  I haven’t done too too much lately, so maybe my lack of exercise is the problem?  I was a little slower than I would have liked but I was more concerned about getting the mileage in.

As for today, I am thinking I will finally get my ass kicked in CrossFit.  It’s been just about 2 weeks since I went so I am sure today will suck bad.  Oh well.  It is a gorgeous day here so it’s better than doing more housework!

How do  you spend time outside on nice days like this?


Perfect ending and beginning

Friday started out perfect

I knowwww I have said this before, but morning runs are my absolute favorite.  Not only do  you get it out of the way for the day, but running as the sun comes up is just plain old awesome!

After work I went to CrossFit with J.  Burpees. Are. The. Devil.  I mean, I am starting to get good at them since we do them almost everyyyy day!

The workout was Clean and Jerks on the odd minutes and burpees on the even minutes…. for 16 minutes.  1/2 way through and I was pouring sweat and wheezing.  It was awesome 🙂

The rest of the night was spent at the house…mostly watching with a little working.

Grampy supervising

And the highlight of my night?



There is still a bunch more work to be done before we can move in, but I can’t wait!  Not only will the house look awesome from all the work Jbone and his dad are doing, but I get a pretty awesome roommate!

The rest of the day I plan on boppin around with my parents, hopefully finding a few awesome things for the house!

Stop by tomorrow.. I have a surprise!  It starts with ‘give’ and ends with ‘way’ 😉

Make it a great day 



I’m sorry.. I said IM SORRY!!

I either don’t post when I feel like I have nothing special to say OR when I am too busy. This time, SO stinkin’ busy.  Here is whats been going on….

Successfuly Delishy

Peanut butter.  Apparently that’s the trick to making a smoothie good!  Peanut butter, Spinach, Ice, Chocolate whey protein and a splash of almond milk.   Mmmm..

Climbing Mount Everst…. Or just to the top of the wall.  And having way too much fun doing it 😉

Date night two nights in a row.  And only 1/2 a Summer ale for me.

I may or may not be freaking out about not being hydrated enough

One final “Holy-Shit-I’m-Not-Ready-For-This-Race” Run.

If I said I felt ready for tomorrows race, I would be lying.  Isn’t that part of tapering though?

Freaking out

Mother Eff.

Wish me luck.

See ya after NYC

and hopefully……….

1:50 or better!


Hoppy Day to You!

Hoppy Easter to youuuu 😛

I hope you are having a fabulous morning with nothing but food, family and fun!  I have big plans to eat my face off hang with family today …but first, yesterday.

I woke up still pretty sore from my speed work and circuit work out so I was torn as to whether or not to run or take another rest day.  I decided an easy run would be best to loosen up.  I headed out the door with 3 miles in mind.  Once I got out there I felt good and decided to do my short-long run and get it over with.

After my run I hung with Jbone and his sister the most of the day.  We bopped around and did the typical weekend thing…target and Panera 🙂  DD was thrown in there – 99cent Iced coffee…any size!! You know I am all over that!

J and I stayed at my parents house for the night so we visited my favorite place for dinner.  Instead of bread at the table… PICKLES!

We had a couple of beers and some dinner (quesadilla for moi) then headed over to our friends house to celebrate their ENGAGEMENT!

We are so happy for them 🙂 They are good people and great friends! Congrats again you love birds!

Since J and I are total Bad Dudes we didn’t get home until close to 11.  Like I said…Bad. Dudes.   My mom is the cutest and left us little candies our pillows too.  Or wait……Maybe it was the Easter Bunny!?

I did a quick 3 miles on the treadmill this morning so I can eat an extra 1,000 calories and now we are getting ready to head over here for brunch.

We have a day of eating planned…. Better get out the stretchy pants….

or maybe I should run a few more miles?!

Have a great day 🙂


Good to bad

Some days….Some days start out feeling good and healthy and happy and in the mood to eat good.

Then…. I get tired.  And the dark circles under my eyes get bigger.  And darker.  And this happens.

Yesterday was that kind of day. I started out good….didn’t finish too good.  These don’t help.

breakfast, lunch, dinner. Well balanced meal

I got home from work and was beat.  I wasn’t happy about it since I took Tuesday as a rest day.  I didn’t get home in time to get to body pump so I went for a run.  I headed out the door thinking I was either doing 3 miles or a longer run.  I couldn’t decide beforehand but once I got running…longer was better.  It was a little windier than I like but the sun was up and I was just in the mood to run.

The quality of my photos are just….amazing. I know.

I ended up running the trails by my house and I really enjoyed it.  Time flew by too.  I felt like I was only out there for 20 minutes!

I was happy with that run.  I didn’t feel incredibly strong but it just felt good to be running.  One of those days.

Since I OD’ed on crap food yesterday I made myself a smoothie for dinner. And it didn’t taste like ass like last time.    In the mix was:

1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder

handful of spinach

a crap ton of frozen raspberries

a few splashes of almond milk

It wasn’t amazing but I was able to drink it with out wanting to vomit 🙂

I am hoping for some speed work and circuit strength training today!

Do you have any good smoothie recipes you use?  Help a sister out 😉


Surprising Run

Hiii!!!  Hope your having as good of a saturday as I am!

Right now I am icing my knee.  I just got back from a long run…. But let me start at the beginning…

The dress fitting this morning was amazing and I honestly think my Future Sis-in-Law and current BFF is going to be the most amazingly gorgeous bride ever.  Ever in history. even though she has no friends.

After the dress we went to complete our weekly trip at target followed by lunch at Ruby Tuesday.  They have a pretty awesome salad bar and really skinny, good for you spinach artichoke dip.  I need to remember that!
We finished our day with a little more shopping here.   I must be sick or something though because my biggest purchase was a box of coffee, thats it!  Who AM I?!

When I got home from shopping I had planned on going to the gym for some cardio but I didn’t feel like driving so I figured I would attempt my long run tonight.  I wanted a little over 10 miles.

When I finished and saw my time and distance I was really surprised.  I didn’t feel that strong while I was running and at times my feet were literally dragging because they were so tired from yesterday!

I can honestly say this is the first long run I have had that makes me really excited for the next few races I have planned.   I hope I really kick some butt and PR in at least one of them!

Jface’s sister just texted me breaking news!  THIS is now available!!  Guess what I am ordering as soon as I hit publish?!

I am going to finish icing my knee then I am off to go have dinner with J and a few friends and my awesome old lady compression socks.

Don’t forget to change your clocks tonight.  If you need help figuring out how it works, ask her…she knows a lot about the time change 😛


Food and Crafts

Hey Strangers!

Sorry I have been MIA.   As usual, I have been pretty busy!  This weekend so far consisted of eating, hanging with my favorite people and running.  oh….crafts too.  I know, I am so versatile. 😛

Friday night Jbone and I went out.  Before we went for dinner he stopped over right from work.  I love seeing that stud all dressed up!  Then he quickly went home to put on his normal person clothes to get changed into more comfy clothes and we went out for dinner.  Nothing other than grease and beer was consumed.  Oh, and maybe twizzlers and a sangria?  Mmmm…

I did take a rest day Saturday but it was really just a day of no running, because I didn’t rest at all!  I headed to my hometown to hang with my favorite lady… and mom and sam were there too 😛

I’m such an annoying proud aunt!

After doing some shopping with the girls I headed home and hung with J for the night.  We saw Safe House.  Not my typical choice in movie but it was really good!  Action packed and always had me wondering what was going to happen next.  It didn’t hurt that I got to stare at my future boyfriend Ryan Reynolds the whole time.

This morning I woke up ready to run.  I really am a freak LOVE to run.  Weird.  Yesterday I got SCHNAZZY new shoes.  I had to start breaking those bad boys in.  *i will do a review once a run a few more miles in them*  They are the COOLEST running shoes I have ever had!

They are awesome!  And comfy too!   I made it 10 miles.  Four short of what I wanted but oh well.  I had to keep reminding myself that this week was an easy week and I should finish it off without killing myself.

10 Miles done before 8:30?  I’ll take it.

Now I am off to complete a TON of different crafty projects.  Wish me luck 🙂


That was almost awkward

Running is a funny thing sometimes.  You can feel so good some days and so bad others.  Today.  Today I felt SO GOOD.  I don’t even know who I am anymore and i really like this new me!  I got home from work and it was super sunny.  Sun= Shorts?  I threw on shorts and went for a run in shorts.   Shorts! Um, hullo!! It’s February, isn’t it?!  Man, I love this mild winter!
I got home from running and was SHOCKED.

No, you aren’t seeing things.  I ran under an 8 minute mile for 7 WHOLE miles.  holy crap.  I am pumped about that run.  BUT.. tomorrow I think my legs don’t want to run.  My IT band was starting to get really tight towards the end of the run.  Hopefully a little rest tomorrow will do me good.

Funny story.  A dude honked at me while I was running.  My instant reaction is to flip him off.  I am so nice.  I thought it was Jbones brother-in-law though, so I stopped myself.  I finished running and texted the brother-in-law about the almost bird flip… WASNT HIM.  Guess who it was?!  My neighbor.  That could have been weird if I did actually flip him off, huh?  HAHhaha I’m the worst.

I got home and HOUSED some chili and half a sleeve of Ritz.  Note to self:  Whole wheat Ritz are not nearly as good regular!

I found this add in the new Runners World magazine that I thought was cool.  I am guessing that the “Who’s Yoga?” is because they are typically known as a yoga company.  But since I am currently obsessing over this I thought I would share.

Tonight I am off to the foodstore with the dude and hopefully I can chill and read a bit too!

Have a good night!!


Long run Sunday

Happy Sunday 😀

Last night was perfect.  It consisted of hanging with my parents until about 9 then crashing in my old bed with the pups.  It was just what I needed.  I feel like last week I was so busy!  Another quiet night had me feeling much better this morning!

Everyone is happy

This morning I got up and got ready to run.  Me, mom, dad, sam and baby all made our way into town.  We each had a run in mind.  Mom and Sam were doing 6.  Dad was walking with the babe-0 and me… I was just going to see how I feel.   My legs were tired and I didn’t feel like it.  I ended up choosing an out and back route.

WOW!  Apparently I am the fastest person on earth or my run keeper app isn’t working.  I did a total of about 11 miles in 90 minutes.  Not too bad.  There were SO many people running today.  I must have seen someone every couple of miles.  It was great.  I love living in an area where there are always runners out on Sundays!
I just got back to my parents house!  The girls are headed to Target now before I head back to my house. Don’t forget to watch the game tonight, and make sure you root for the BETTER team!! 😛

