Personal Goals

Lately my saturday mornings consist of coaching then putting myself through tough workouts of my own.  My favorite part is the coaching though



I get to write WODs and then coach them.  Athletes of EVERY ability have been dropping by my box and it’s so awesome.  So many different skill levels but the one thing every person has in common is a desire to do better, desire to push themselves just a little harder, a desire to be the best they can be…. and THAT is what I love the most.

Along with coaching and help people reach their goals, I also have a few of my own. Now that I am not training for any races I do have a few things I have my sights set on.

Perfecting the one hand handstand


Not perfect…but getting there


Eating  Clean

zonedietI am trying the zone diet for a month.  I am allowing myself relaxed weekends where I don’t weigh and measure but during the week I am eating strictly 11 blocks.  There is a lot of science and math behind it actually.  Meal prepping on Sunday is a must but I am hoping it will help my performance in the gym.  Any questions on the zone PLEASE email me! I would love to help!

Icing and mobility


Lately any kind of jumping (think double unders and box jumps) kill me.  Well,  really they just kill my calves.  I think I have some tendon issues but icing and rolling is something I am being adamant about.  I am trying to be better with my overall mobility.  With how much I workout I have come to the realization that if I don’t take care of myself and do the necessary stretching and icing, I won’t be able to go at this pace forever.


I also have a big dead lift that I am chasing.  Not trying to jinx myself so I am not going to say what I am shooting for…big think big.


What are your goals these days?  TELL ME!


4 thoughts on “Personal Goals

  1. A big. Big. Gaylemarie sized deadlift.
    Kipping pull-ups. Handstand push-ups. Rx-ing Fran. Making double unders my bitch. Getting better at math. Not eating banana chips in servings measured by pounds not ounces.

  2. Pingback: Sundays | GM Runs

  3. hey Love bug. Good to see your back and hear updates on the gym… If your looking for good mobility exercises, Check out mobilityWOD… He is great at showing you better ways to get more mobile!!!

    Hey if you have any good ideas for at home WODS I would love to see them!!!

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