Real Life

I still don’t feel like this is real life.



With the weather being AMAZING lately I find myself feeling luckier and more grateful than ever.

I have been getting to spend time with the best little girl, and apparently future rower.



I have been helping athletes at the gym start to change their lives too.  seriously.  I have an athlete that just texted me this morning and told me she lost 10 inches in 10 days.  I am so SO proud of how hard some people have been working.  Not only in the gym but also in cleaning up their eating and taking care of themselves in general. I feel so inspired every day to see people who just a month ago started thinking they couldn’t lift any weights or do half the stuff I ask of them,  and then out of no where they are dead lifting 200 pounds and working their butts off and feeling great about what they are doing.  seriously. is this real life?


Saturdays have also become my favorite day of the week. I get to coach usually a REALLY fun WOD then I get to beat myself up with some awesome friends.




As for Sundays, they are still my day to relax and enjoy some time at home.  But to be honest….I don’t mind my home away from home 🙂




ps- Today is May 5th.  a day I will never ever everrrrr forget.  and go wish her a happy anniversary!


Lately Sundays mean the same thing to me.

Lots of meal prep:


This week is all about veggies.  Last week I don’t think one green, or any color, vegetable touched my lips.  This week I am working on balance in the Zone.

Girl time:


Serious BFF’s.  With matching shades.  And addictions to panera, shoes, shopping….all of it.  Love those girls so freaking hard.

Chihuahua Time:


Obviously Lola and Jake are having their own identity crisis’.  They are spending more time in Vice’s cage then on the couch.  I think it’s a sign I need to be home more.

My biggest weakness:


On Sunday I usually eat twizzlers TO MY FACE.  Seriously, it’s a horrible habit that I completely blame my mother for.  She loves twizzlers and passed that love onto me.

And last but not least time with J.  That kid is the best ❤


What’s your typical sunday like?



Today is a big day.  My most favorite person on earth celebrates her 2nd birthday today!!!!!


I think it’s safe to say that in just the two short years we have known her, my entire families lives have changed for the better.  She is the most fabulous 2 year old I know and she is only getting more awesome as she gets older.  I freakin’ love that munchkin to death!


I wish I was with her and Minnie celebrating but I know her mom and grandmom will send me a ton of pictures… right? 

Happy birthday Ryann Lynn!

Love, TiTi

Photos and Busy Week Advice

Busy but successful weekend.  I spent much needed and loved time with my family.


Niece, Brother, Brother's Hair

Niece, Brother, Brother’s Hair


The Girls

The Girls

I was welcomed home with some snow and a pretty messy ride into work but I am not letting that ruin my day!  Today begins the first day of a 4 day streak of 15 hour days.  I am hoping for the best this week.  Even though my weekend was busy, I feel full of love and happiness after spending time with my most favorite people on earth (minus 1- J ❤  ).

How do you mentally deal with knowing you have a crazy week ahead?


ps- Today J and I have been dating for 2 whole years.  That’s like 14 in dog years 😉   Check out my gushy post I wrote last year!

Run Update

If it hasn’t been obvious, I haven’t been doing any great runs lately.  I am really loving CrossFit and have been dedicating most of my workout time to throwing around some weights and practicing some technique things.  I try to fit in miles where I can but it’s not too high on my priority list.  Also, the runs I have been doing haven’t been leaving me feeling overjoyed or like it was kick-ass.

This week was a busy one for me.  But, that just means I am perfecting the task of multitasking.

2 nights this week while dinner was in the oven (yes, I cooked twice) I got some miles in on the treadmill.  It required me to set the alarm on my phone so I wouldn’t lose track of time but it worked out well.


Both of these runs were good.  They were both at a comfortable pace.  7 miles bouncing from 8:34 to 8:49 and 4 miles done as a progression…starting at 8:49 and finished the last 1/2 mile at 7:19 .

I am out of town this weekend- in Florida to be exact-which means I spent friday working then traveling. I planned to take friday as a rest day which meant I would hopefully get in a good, longer run Saturday morning.  I came prepared with my garmin and woke up alarm-less around 6.  Just as the sun was about to come up I laced up and headed out the door.

I knew for this run I wanted to go longer than I had been, I wanted to take it easy for the first half and even negative split if possible.  I didn’t obsessively check my watch but when I did I was shooting for 8:25’s.  I ran an out and back *to the beach 😉 * and decided on the way back I would run by feel, not what my watch says.

I am pleasantly surprised with how it went!


I am definitely stoked with this run.  I felt amazing the entire time.  I was worried I would be mega slow and not have the stamina to hit 10 miles.  Shows you how awesome CrossFit is 😀  I am glad I hit double digits and I love love loved running in shorts and a tank.  Makes me ready for spring!

I had some family things to tend to today but tomorrow I plan on getting my game face on like my favorite girl

ryann dance

…. and we are heading out tomorrow to go stalk Mickey 😉

What was the last run or workout you had that left you feeling amazing?


What worked and What’s next

I arrived in Sacramento 2 days before the marathon.  The day before the race was spent at the hotel, shopping at the expo, studying the course elevation chart and properly fueling with pizza, coffee, nuun and tons of water.


I was really worried about flying and becoming dehydrated during the race.  Luckily making sure I alternated between Nuun and water worked out perfectly and there were no issues!

You already know how I did in the race.  But the more I think about it the more I can’t get over how much of a good run with was.  Sure I was in a race situation with crappy weather but I am talking about the run itself.  The 26.2 miles went by so fast.  Thinking back I definitely would have done EVERYTHING the same except for breaking off when I did.  Next time I would push it harder a little earlier.

The top things I did right this time?

+Proper nutrition and hydration
+Following the pacer and listening to his advice
+Focus on form – especially leaning from my ankles
+Staying in the mile and not thinking about the next 1, 2, 10…whatever it was
+Confidence- TRUST my training and the work I put in to get there

I am still on cloud 9.  I have not run, exerted myself or even sweat an ounce since the run.  I am giving myself the rest that I need but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t starting to get the itch to run.

After the race I was SUPER sore.  Like….ice my ankles, knees, everything hurts kind of sore.  But I didn’t care. I was too busy staring at my medal and watch 🙂


The rest of my time in California was spent hanging with my family and doing all the touristy things possible.



photo 5 (22)

Fair warning that there will be many more pictures and collages to come.  My dad had his camera glued to his face the entire vacation so as soon as I get a hold of his memory card, they are all mine!

What’s next?

Definitely some well deserved time off.  I am looking forward to a more laid back schedule…or no schedule really…for the rest of the year.
I am excited to start throwing some weights around in CrossFit and really seeing what I can do there.

As for the running scene?  I am already drooling over a faster half marathon time and perhaps…. a 50k?!


Festive workouts and dogs, not in that order

When I woke up to the cold rain this morning, for some strange reason I was feeling festive and getting excited for Christmas! I know I can’t technically start to celebrate until after Thanksgiving but I am still excited for it!  Others, however, were not feeling at all festive when the rain briefly changed to snow.

christmas colors, christmas coffee, christmas snow

This afternoon, before I went home and got my sweat on I hung out with my favorite girl for a little while.

Seriously, my bff/SIL makes the cutest babies.  Oh, and my brother too 😛

Today when I got home I visited a workout I did a few weeks ago to see how I compare.  I am really worried about starting up CrossFit again. I am so out of shape for that type of workout so I am trying to incorporate more of it into my regimen.

A few weeks ago


I am definitely happy about that! I was a sweaty mess by the end but happy I completed it!

I get to teach another WOD at the gym tomorrow and it is going to be a good one!  Can’t wait to share it with you guys!  Something else that I want to share with you, but this is just because it’s awesome?  A picture of my pups.  It was taken last year but I just remembered it existed and it’s too good to not share.


Puppies, a Ramble and a Princess

Great Morning to you! 🙂

How was your weekend!? Awesome I hope!

Pretty much all of my Saturday was dedicated to this guy

Meet Vice!

Saturday J and I drove about 2 hours to pick up our newest member of the family!  Once we had this little furball home we headed straight to the park..aka neutral grounds, to introduce him to Jake.  How did it go?

Jake hates him and wants to send him back.  I have faith that after a few long and really annoying days things will get better.  Lola doesn’t mind him though so we are 1 for 2.  Oh, and I pretty much love the shit out of him so he stays.  I win.

Sunday morning I was up bright and early. I had a LR + Race combo.  I needed to run 45 minutes prior to competing in a local 10K.  I drove about an hour to where the 10K was and met up with my SIL and dad to get the 45 minute run over with.

That picture is stolen from sHm but I love it!  I also LOVE when they bike with me while I run.  It makes the time go so fast.  Thanks guys 🙂

After I finished a little over 5 miles it was time to line up at the start of the River Ramble 5K and 10K.  I was definitely nervous starting this race because I wanted to race it.  I mean, last 10K I did was on gravel, in the rain and I didn’t love it.  I wanted to try to beat my time of 47:35….

I ran my face off.  I definitely pushed it but it was worth it!

I ended up coming in 4th female and 2nd in my age group.  I also cut 1:10 off my time and on a hilly course AND after I already ran 5 miles.  I will take it 🙂

I never really race races so it’s exciting for me to see what I can do and how I compare to others.

HUGE HUGE HUGE shoutout to my girl B who ran her first 10K, longest run ever AND kicked HUGE ASS doing so.  What an awesomely awesome day for her yesterday! So pumped for her!

clearly it was sunny

After the race I headed for breakfast with my 3 favorite girls!  Bacon, egg and cheese on bagels please!

I also had the pleasure of dining with the fabulous princess Ryann.

As for the rest of my Sunday, there was enough excitement in the first 5 hours to last me a week so I got home and died on the couch. I was so tired…and still am!  BUT, it was most certainly worth it!

Tell me, did you kick ass this weekend like B?  How about bring home a new furry family member?  Or dine with a real life Princess?


Crazy Singing Runner

Yesterday I taught another CrossFit class.  I am starting to think that the dudes that take my class don’t take me seriously.  Two of them just stopped in the middle of the workout yesterday.  I decided that if they try that crap next time I teach this is what I will say to them….”HELLO, WELCOME TO CROSSFIT, THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE HARD. NO BITCHING OUT ON MY WATCH. ”  Ok, maybe not so harsh but they are wimps.  Wimps

The workout….

EMOM- Every minute on the minutes.  Aka Stop what you’re doing, drop the weight and get to the burpee/push up!

I am still dumb when it comes to making images on the computer.  That’s why you get a screen shot from my phone.  I know, I’m not happy about it either….neither is my niece, obviously.

That’s her painfully cute mad face

Today I found my new favorite song.

I kid you not, I have listened to it 14,000 times. I counted.  I had a dance party with just the dogs, I had a dance party with J, I listened to it on repeat on my run, hell…I even SANG while I was running..OUTSIDE.  I swear.  That happened.   If you hear of a crazy girl from my area that is running and really out of breath but saying/singing while she runs….it’s just me.

The song is awesome and when I heard it I instantly wanted to run.  Seriously.  It’s amazing.

I had to break out some winter gear for today’s run.  It is getting chilly!

Crooked hat and crazy eyes optional

Do me a favor… Download that song and tell me you can resist the urge to dance or rage run.  I will have to call your bluff.  Liars.

Now you tell me, what song makes you need to dance/sing out loud/ rage run?


Poconos running

The rest of my Saturday was pretty great. I spent the day with J.  We bopped around for a while and ran some errands.  I even got my first Starbucks christmas cup!

The christmas cup was bittersweet…I am SO glad they are back, but it has been tradition to get the first one of the season with this girl.. Hopefully this week!

J and I also spotted the friendliest truck either of us has ever seen!

This morning I had a long run planned.  Lately I just have NOT been feeling the running scene where I live, I needed a change so I decided to head to the Poconos to run.  Luckily I have an awesome family and my dad and SIL biked next to me while I ran.  I decided they need to do this every run. Having a traveling water boy was the greatest thing ever!

I also decided there are a few reasons that running in the Poconos is WAY better than running where I live…

  • Less turns… I live in more of a city so I am constantly turning down different blocks to get mileage in
  • Point to point run…. When I run from home I always do an out and back. Poconos running means I have a ride to bring me to my car when I am done!
  • The woods!  I love running on back roads with nothing but trees.  That’s the Poconos!
  • The people.  Hands down the BEST reason for driving 35 miles for a long run….

Today was my dad and SIL biking with me the entire run.  At one point my brother drove by and stopped to check on us, see if we needed anything and make sure we were ok.

It’s a small photo but you get the idea.

BUT THEN… When I am done running not only do I get to hang some more with my dad and SIL, but I also get to meet my mom and niece too and we all go for breakfast.  Seriously.  You can’t beat that!

My dad the hairdresser- at breakfast- we keep it classy 😉

Today I forgot my garmin on my run.  I know…horrific.  I had mapped out about 16 miles so I knew where to go, I was just concerned about my pace.  I used the mapmyrun app on my phone.  I don’t have splits and I didn’t know my pace as I was running so I just ran.  I might have to try this a little more often!

Towards the end of the run I definitely had to work to keep that pace but I was pleasantly surprised when I finished and saw that!

After I refueled, rehydrated and had a few hours to take care of some things I headed out for an easy 20 minute second run of the day to shake out my legs.  Glad I did that. The first few minutes were slow and stiff but by the end I felt great!

I am really looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though 🙂
