Quitter and Ambassador

Seriously.  Why can’t I just turn my brain off sometimes?    If anyone knows HOW to do that, please let me know ASAP.  It has been getting in the way for way too long now.

Yesterday I had a shitty tempo run.  I can’t even tell you why.  Sure, it was hot out.  Yea, maybe my calves were a little tired.  But no.  That is no excuse.  Those weren’t the reasons I gave up.  My brain was having legit convulsions at the idea of running fast for an extended period of time.

My Garmin has been on the fritz for a while now.  It picks up satellite but while I am running the pace is WAY off.  As soon as I stop it figures itself out and everything is just dandy.  That does NOT help me mid run.

Yesterday I had to do 30 minutes around a 7:30 pace.  ok.  I KNOW I can handle that.  Well this is what happened while running:

running, running, running, look at watch and it says 6:55.  oh shit i better slow down.  run run run, 9:58 WHAT?! run run run 6:33 WTF!?!??! enter anxiety and rage for my broken POS watch

See?  How can a run like that be pleasant.  IT CAN’T THATS HOW!

sooooo.  i wimped out at 23 minutes. dumb dumb dumb.  My average pace was 7:25.  Needless to say I am still beating myself up for being a quitter. and a loser.  and all of that.  dumbass.

While I was sulking about being a loser I found something new and exciting to do.
Watch J shave.  He has to do it outside in order to avoid getting hair everywhere.

I am sure he appreciates that I documented that.

I made up for my quitting and sulking by swimming today.  I did NOT want to get in the pool but I am so glad I did.  It was the first swim where I felt like I was actually pushing myself and didn’t look like a drowning cat.  Success.

Today I got some sweet stuff in the mail!

heck yea man!  You are looking at the newest Sweat Pink Ambassador!  I am pretty pumped about it!  Basically their motto is work hard and play hard!  That’s what I try to do so I am happy to be a part of such an awesome community!


I am really looking forward tomorrow! I will share why  tomorrow 😛

Tell me, how do you stop beating yourself up after doing something dumb.  Because I am still pretty pissed about last nights run, I want a re-do.



Pay Back

Remember when I had to take care of Jbone?

Well….  I have been trying to keep him busy.  Payback is a bitch.  I am sick as a dog.

And so beautiful

Don’t be mad at me

And keep visiting

I will be back with a good post tomorrow

I mean, as long as this flu or whatever it is doesn’t kill me



This afternoon was a great start to my vacation!   I met momma bear for a fresh mani and then went home and napped.  Not long because Lola is the loudest snorer ever other than jbone.

I headed to the gym for body pump.  Hurt so good.  I had some time to kill before class so I did 2 miles on the treadmill.  I think I sweat WAY more than normal.  It must be my body’s way of getting ready for some sun 😉

I got home and had a few last-minute touches to make on my costume for my race.   I know I didn’t say WHO I was being yet but…. I am the dumbest EVER and had to share.  This will give it away but it’s worth it.

I was very PROUDLY working on my costume, working away when the roomster pointed something out to me.   What’s wrong with this picture?

Now I am going to spend the next few hours minutes thinking about how I can fix my big DUH and finish the last of the white cat 🙂

I love vacation already, and we haven’t even started the good stuff yet!



I hate being sick.  Hate it. HAYTUH ITUH.  I am a baby when I am sick.  I constantly talk about how I don’t feel good. I am the worst to be around.  Worst.

Guess what… I have a cold.  I don’t get sick very often so now that I am, I feel like my world is turned upside down.  I have had plans for bodypump tonight.  Doesn’t….whoEVER decides I get sick, know this?  I don’t have time to again this week.  I am not a happy camper right now.  I mean, I don’t even have an appetite, I had to MAKE myself eat…. that neeeever happens! Who am I?!

Most of my day looked like a similar version of this

nose blow and hydrate - not at the same time

I didn’t do any exercise today. Nothing.  I feel so guilty about it.  I am being a freak, I know…But I was on a good streak and feeling so good and strong.  I know this is my bodies way of telling me I need rest, so rest is what I will do.   I am hopeful that tomorrow morning I will get a few miles in before work– a few slow easy miles, but a few miles nonetheless…. wish me luck!

The rest of my night will consist of snorting vicks tissues and laying in bed.

Lets hope I wake up better than ever tomorrow!  :-/


Good and Bad

Monday, we meet again.  I woke up hating and loving today.  How is that possible?  Well, when my alarm went off I was planning on running…

BOOM. I feel like I was hit by a truck.  I am stuffy and my head feels like it’s in a fog.  worst EVARRRRRRRRR. No run, extra hour of sleep instead!

good news is…..


I woke up to a text from jdude saying “GIANTS WIN!”  Gosh, he is a keeper.  I am pretty pumped about yesterdays winners. I was rooting for the Patriots, so I am all around happy!  WOOP WOOP.
Dinner was good last night. I love sunday family time, especially this girl!

She is happy about the Giants W too 🙂

I read a few interesting things online this morning.  This article has a lot of good points, especially #24.  Oh, and can you believe  this? Wonder what my girl LC has to say!

I am hoping to make it to bodypump tonight.  I was planning on a rest day tomorrow, so I want a couple miles in today too.  Hope I don’t die….. if I do, J- you get Lola, you’re welcome.

Have a happy Monday 😉
