Celeb Status

Who else is so excited tomorrow is Friday?!  I for sure know I am!

Today was a good day.   I have been not so patiently waiting for new glasses to come in.  They were backordered for almost 2 months and today they FINALLY came in.   How awesome is this packaging?!

Obviously I got them and had to wear them as soon as possible.  Strangely enough the roomster got new glasses today too and she put hers on right away too!  Good to know I am not the only dork that does this.

They are brown even though the picture makes them look black, and it’s safe to say I love them!

Before I went to get my glasses I made a pit stop to see this stud.

He works too much a lot so I was glad to be able to see him for even just a hot minute. 🙂

Guess where GMRuns was spotted today?!?!  Skinny Runner’s website.  I mean, as far as I am concerned she is the QUEEN of running blogs so I feel basically like the most important, super awesomest celebrity ever super cool.  Thanks SR for the shameless plug sharing my race picture from this past weekend!  And don’t worry…. I will eventually explain about momma bears surgery 😉

See ya bright and early 🙂
